Princeton Scientific Corp Launch New Product – The Kelvin Probe System

This surface photovoltage spectrometer allows precise measurement of work function of different semiconducting and conducting materials with high precision and accuracy. The Kelvin probe system can be used in various type of surface studies, including: corrosion, adsorption/desorption, surface charging, catalytic activity and others. It is an essential tool in investigation of photocatalysts, organic and inorganic … Continued

DIANT Pharma Inc. And InProcess-LSP Finalize Partnership Agreement

DIANT Continuous Nanoparticle Manufacturing System Integrates With InProcess-LSP NanoFlowSizer For Size Characterization. DIANT Pharma Inc. (DIANT), a startup company that provides a turnkey solution for continuous manufacturing of nanoparticles, has the exclusive right to integrate the NanoFlowSizer into the DIANT system, providing a major advantage to DIANT customers. The DIANT system has multiple flow options, … Continued

Interview with Kurt Swogger, CEO, Molecular Rebar Design.

What are the benefits of your technologies or materials?  Molecular Rebar Design, LLC (MRD) has invented, patented, and developed discrete or individual carbon nanotubes made from as produced bundle of million of carbon nanotubes. Called Molecular Rebar®, this discrete form has a high length over diameter and is sized in the manometer range.  MR has … Continued